Hello Friends,
Thanks a lot for your support and appreciation.
Now I am continuing at nehaagrawal@wordpress.com. You can follow me there.
Wishing Happiness and Joy for all of You.:) :)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!!
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hello friends,
In past few daz dere was lots of discussion on "Expectations"...and believe me it never ends between me and my friend..
The very first question that arises is- What exactly is expectation??
Well as far as i feel "it is to believe that other person will do something without even telling that person that he/she has to do that thing".It is such an irony that many times it happens also...cos expectations are made on the basis of past experiences...it is build on the past actions/reactions of the individual..but when belief doesn't comes true it hurts the person very badly...
Our life is full of expectations either we are expecting something from the other or someone else is expecting something from us...
The very basic expectation arises between a child and his/her parents...both of them have their own expectation from each other..and this forms a strong bonding between them...and here the relation develops...and then different feelings of love,anger, happiness everything comes into existence...
When we are small we are taught so many things..after the things have been taught it is automatically expected out of us...and if we dont do it we even get punished for that..And this teaches us to fulfill other expectations..his thing continues in our whole life..Similar expectation always exist..even we also form the similar expectations...
It is the expectations that help us gain so many things in our life..It makes us a perfect person in whatever we do..the higher the expectations the better the result..A very famous quotation "Always aim for the sky, even if you miss you will land among stars"
It is so true and helps us in achieving our goals...Our goals are nothing but the expectations of ours from ourselves..
We start developing expectation from everyone we come through..We have expectations from our teacher, our friends, our colleagues and moreover we always expect general etiquettes from everyone(consciously or unconsciously)... Even if we meet any stranger and say hello to him we expect him to reply back...if he/she doesn't replies we dont like it..
When expectations are not fulfilled it results in all the negative waves inside us..We started complaining, feeling bad, hating and everything...At extreme cases it results in conflicts also..
The question that arises is why do we get hurt when someone doesn't fulfill our expectations...Can we really stop expecting in our life...?And how to control negative feelings when doesn't fulfill our expectations...
As far as i feel its all our creation and destruction..So it can be controlled by us..
I request readers to please give your views on the above questions...
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Two Tough Questions...

Hello Friends,
I came through a very interesting story...Please go through the following questions you ll definitely enjoy it..
Question 1:
If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three
who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had
syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?
Read the next question before looking at the response for this one.
Question 2:
It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts.
Here are the facts about the three candidates.
Candidate A. Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with
astrologists. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks
8 to 10 martinis a day.
Candidate B He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps untilnoon , used
opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.
Candidate C He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't
smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife.
Which of these candidates would be your choice?
Decide first... no peeking, and then scroll down for the response.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----
Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Candidate B is Winston Churchill.
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.
And, by the way, on your answer to the abortion question:
If you said YES . . .
.. . . you just killed Beethoven - Gr8 musician
Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging someone!
If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three
who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had
syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?
Read the next question before looking at the response for this one.
Question 2:
It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts.
Here are the facts about the three candidates.
Candidate A. Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with
astrologists. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks
8 to 10 martinis a day.
Candidate B He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps untilnoon , used
opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.
Candidate C He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't
smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife.
Which of these candidates would be your choice?
Decide first... no peeking, and then scroll down for the response.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----
Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Candidate B is Winston Churchill.
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.
And, by the way, on your answer to the abortion question:
If you said YES . . .
.. . . you just killed Beethoven - Gr8 musician
Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging someone!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Hello Friends...
Its been a long time i have posted something...just thought of posting something very basic in life... Satisfaction, really tough to describe but forms the basic essence of everyone's life...
I have been reading lots of OB(Organisational Behavior, one of my MBA subjects) now a daz may be that made me to chose this title...
Satisfaction is the major drive in everyone's life and it always brings best out of us...It is the toughest thing to achieve in life but makes the life interesting..However few people get satisfied easily while few never get satisfied with anything..
Satisfaction and dissatisfaction goes hand in hand...and a person's life is full of satisfaction with few things and dissatisfaction with few things...However, the one who has a major impact defines the state of one's life...
Satisfaction leads to happiness and makes life process smooth..It can motivate a person to move ahead and achieve higher goals however it can also demotivate a person to be satisfied with what he has(in case of extreme satisfaction)...
Similarly, dissatisfaction also has two ways effect...a little bit of dissatisfaction always drives us for better results while extreme dissatisfaction has major ill effects which can even lead to extreme cases like Suicide etc...I have seen such cases during my btech every year..guys hanging themselves just before the semester exams..
I feel satisfaction and dissatisfaction are both necessary in one's life but extreme of both is not good..Person's motive should always be to move ahead in life and look for new opportunities in life to grow and prosper taking along satisfaction and dissatisfaction together..
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hello Friends,
Gain and Pain are the two very important aspects of our life.. They always accompany us in our life journey together…However their impact may be different…And the one who has more impact makes it visible while the other silently follows…
Its often said impact lasts for a span of time, although that span of time differs from person to person some takes it for few seconds while others takes it for years.. It totally depends on the situations of the incident..
Its very interesting to know that Gaining is always an aim in everyone’s life…Each person works to gain something or the other in their life…as a child we try to gain all sorts of toys for us, then we try to gain more and more marks in our class to gain good position in the class,then our first cycle, our first bike, our first mobile, our first job, first salary and the list goes on and on…
And this is something which makes us keep moving in our life.. It adds to all the adventurous and thrilling experiences in the life and makes our life interesting…And this feeling gives us strength to carry all the pains in our life…
The uniqueness of Gain and Pain is that Gain adds flow to the life while Pain puts a brake to the journey of life…Sometime the brakes are very significant and its very hard to again come to the flow but its not impossible.. And I think that’s the key to overcome this break..
Gain and Pain are the two very important aspects of our life.. They always accompany us in our life journey together…However their impact may be different…And the one who has more impact makes it visible while the other silently follows…
Its often said impact lasts for a span of time, although that span of time differs from person to person some takes it for few seconds while others takes it for years.. It totally depends on the situations of the incident..
Its very interesting to know that Gaining is always an aim in everyone’s life…Each person works to gain something or the other in their life…as a child we try to gain all sorts of toys for us, then we try to gain more and more marks in our class to gain good position in the class,then our first cycle, our first bike, our first mobile, our first job, first salary and the list goes on and on…
And this is something which makes us keep moving in our life.. It adds to all the adventurous and thrilling experiences in the life and makes our life interesting…And this feeling gives us strength to carry all the pains in our life…
The uniqueness of Gain and Pain is that Gain adds flow to the life while Pain puts a brake to the journey of life…Sometime the brakes are very significant and its very hard to again come to the flow but its not impossible.. And I think that’s the key to overcome this break..
I often find people discussing so much about their pain and they make their life miserable thinking about the same..They are never able to come out of their pain to see what they are gaining out of it…
However it’s a hard fact that Gain and Pain always accompany each other..And anyone who has gained something in their life must have also been through lots of pain…And that’s called hardship which is a part of every one’s life…
However it’s a hard fact that Gain and Pain always accompany each other..And anyone who has gained something in their life must have also been through lots of pain…And that’s called hardship which is a part of every one’s life…
Gain and Pain companionship can be found everywhere...lets take some example...lets take stock market..It is the place where we see most gains and pains...When the index rises(gains the points) its gain for some and pain for those who sold their stocks at lower rate...and the same scenario when index loses the points gain and pain both follows...
Their companionship is mostly seen in Relationship...All relations are full of Gains and Pains...And it depends on the duo involved in the realtion to get along with it..Thats why its often difficult to have a sound realtionship...
I have been through the number of stories of successful person…They all have experienced so much pain in their life to get to the position where they are.. But they never let their pain come in between the path of gaining their Goal because they always looked for what they are gaining and made pains their companion on their way to Gain…
I have been through the number of stories of successful person…They all have experienced so much pain in their life to get to the position where they are.. But they never let their pain come in between the path of gaining their Goal because they always looked for what they are gaining and made pains their companion on their way to Gain…
Well thats the true spirit to move ahead in our life...
Lets keep gaining and enjoying our life always...May God bless us!!
Monday, June 29, 2009

Hello Friends,
It may sound like a very general topic and we can find almost everyone writing on this topic and the reason behind this is that music is really close to everyone’s heart…Music is true soul of everyone.. Moreover we often find almost everyone’s hobby as music…
Its beauty is that it binds everyone in its different colors…Music has every color that corresponds to the different colors of our life.. In fact different shades of life have given birth to different colors of music…
At times my mind questions about the origination of music.. We can easily observe that, music or in better term sound is created by every tiny particle on this earth…Here is one more interesting thing sound and music.. Do they differ from each other...I feel yes.. A sound that touches one’s heart is a music.. And that is the biggest difference between the two so every sound cant be a music..
We all are aware about Our Nature and its Beauty…Music is the most beautiful thing blessed to us by Nature.. A sound of a drop, rainfall, waterfall, wind, river, birds, animals etc. all belongs to Our Nature…They truly define the rhythm of our life…
There is a very unique relation of us with music and sound.. Once I was watching Discovery Channel, the program was related with the development of child in mother’s womb.. They told a very interesting fact that a baby in the mother’s womb is associated with different sounds like heart beat, water sound etc... Music is such an integral part of our life..
Moreover, we all are born singers…:) We start singing the moment we take birth i.e. making music of crying. And that first cry of a baby brings such a big smile on the face of each family member. It takes away all the pains of the mother who just went through such a large pain while delivering the baby…:) although later that same crying music becomes a headache for everyone…:) i.e. a music is no more music and just remains an irritating sound..
Our music lessons begin with the lullabies of our mom who always sing it to make us sleep.. I feel this is the reason that we still enjoy music during our bed time…Our journey with music always continues in our life.. We can find ourselves making sound on the table of our class, whistling on our favorite tune or for some other purpose ;), making different sounds out of our mouth, with the spoons and forks, with pencils, with our claps(very often in cheering up someone or some team)and the most irritating sound of our cycle or bike or car horn( although it helps us a lot but really irritates the others who listens it).. :)
We are associated with music in our daily life in the form of our mobile ring tone, our door bell, our vehicle horn, with a long playlist stored in our PC, Lappi, iPod, music player, mobile and all time favorite FM.. It is the favorite entertainment is everyone’s life..
Music is really a vast and Deep Ocean and somewhere someone is always in search of new pearls and shells…No doubt we have such a diverse range of music and will keep on having them ..
Keep enjoying the different colors of life with its corresponding music…
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