Hello Friends...
Its been a long time i have posted something...just thought of posting something very basic in life... Satisfaction, really tough to describe but forms the basic essence of everyone's life...
I have been reading lots of OB(Organisational Behavior, one of my MBA subjects) now a daz may be that made me to chose this title...
Satisfaction is the major drive in everyone's life and it always brings best out of us...It is the toughest thing to achieve in life but makes the life interesting..However few people get satisfied easily while few never get satisfied with anything..
Satisfaction and dissatisfaction goes hand in hand...and a person's life is full of satisfaction with few things and dissatisfaction with few things...However, the one who has a major impact defines the state of one's life...
Satisfaction leads to happiness and makes life process smooth..It can motivate a person to move ahead and achieve higher goals however it can also demotivate a person to be satisfied with what he has(in case of extreme satisfaction)...
Similarly, dissatisfaction also has two ways effect...a little bit of dissatisfaction always drives us for better results while extreme dissatisfaction has major ill effects which can even lead to extreme cases like Suicide etc...I have seen such cases during my btech every year..guys hanging themselves just before the semester exams..
I feel satisfaction and dissatisfaction are both necessary in one's life but extreme of both is not good..Person's motive should always be to move ahead in life and look for new opportunities in life to grow and prosper taking along satisfaction and dissatisfaction together..
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