Zoozoo is the name given to these characters used by VODAFONE in their new Advertisement Campaign.
They are launched with the starting of IPL 2009 season and each over was followed by these zoozoos world which covered everything from love tips to cricket updates, to shopping to roaming, to mailing to travelling etc conveying the different value added services offered by Vodafone..Very beautifully designed and executed... Vodafone is always famous for their Ad Campaign previous was related to shweet PUGS CHITIKAS..
Few days back my dad told me the beauty of these zoozoos.. They aren’t animated characters... They are human beings who were made to wear body suits and are shot lively...I was really surprised to hear him bcos they always gave me impression of animated characters. Then one day i got a mail stating Vodafon ZooZoos won PETA awards..This really attracted me and I felt like googling and knowing more about them...
Filmmaker, Nirvana Films, has directed the commercials, and reveals that the Zoozoos were a big challenge to create. The practical aspects of how they will move, talk, gesticulate and emote were very important. Essentially, costume design and artwork were crucial elements. “It took me three weeks of pre-production to understand how it will work,” says Varma. There were two fabrics that were considered for the body suits, and one was rejected for it had too many wrinkles and was shiny. The wrinkles would have shown when the characters moved, thereby shattering the illusion of animation. “So we chose the more practical, thicker fabric,” Varma explains. The production team divided the outfit into two parts: the body and the head. The body part of the outfit was stuffed with foam in some places, while the head was attached separately. To make it look bigger than a human head, a harder material called Perspex was used, which in turn was stuffed with foam (with scope for ventilation). If one wishes to understand the size of this head, here’s a fact: a human head would typically reach up to the mouth level of this giant Zoozoo head. “We kept the hands and legs thin, which is why we cast women – and occasionally children – wearing the costumes,” says Varma. The thin limbs, contrasted with big bellies and a bulbous head, all add to the illusion that these creatures are ‘smaller’ than humans. Sets were created to suit the size of the Zoozoos. Concept Note: Zoozoos are not animated characters. They are human beings who were made to wear body suits. The films were shot by Nirvana in Cape Town, South Africa.
woooooooooooo...what a concept and work..HATS OFF!!
Really vodafone are best in their ad-campaign..And really a great time to launch..On survey revealed that Vodafone ads are among the most watched videos on You and there are over 50,000 Zoozoo fans on Facebook.Me TOO!!!!!
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