Saturday, October 3, 2009


Hello friends,

In past few daz dere was lots of discussion on "Expectations"...and believe me it never ends between me and my friend..

The very first question that arises is- What exactly is expectation??
Well as far as i feel "it is to believe that other person will do something without even telling that person that he/she has to do that thing".It is such an irony that many times it happens also...cos expectations are made on the basis of past is build on the past actions/reactions of the individual..but when belief doesn't comes true it hurts the person very badly...

Our life is full of expectations either we are expecting something from the other or someone else is expecting something from us...

The very basic expectation arises between a child and his/her parents...both of them have their own expectation from each other..and this forms a strong bonding between them...and here the relation develops...and then different feelings of love,anger, happiness everything comes into existence...

When we are small we are taught so many things..after the things have been taught it is automatically expected out of us...and if we dont do it we even get punished for that..And this teaches us to fulfill other expectations..his thing continues in our whole life..Similar expectation always exist..even we also form the similar expectations...

It is the expectations that help us gain so many things in our life..It makes us a perfect person in whatever we do..the higher the expectations the better the result..A very famous quotation
"Always aim for the sky, even if you miss you will land among stars"

It is so true and helps us in achieving our goals...Our goals are nothing but the expectations of ours from ourselves..

We start developing expectation from everyone we come through..We have expectations from our teacher, our friends, our colleagues and moreover we always expect general etiquettes from everyone(consciously or unconsciously)... Even if we meet any stranger and say hello to him we expect him to reply back...if he/she doesn't replies we dont like it..

When expectations are not fulfilled it results in all the negative waves inside us..We started complaining, feeling bad, hating and everything...At extreme cases it results in conflicts also..

The question that arises is why do we get hurt when someone doesn't fulfill our expectations...Can we really stop expecting in our life...?And how to control negative feelings when doesn't fulfill our expectations...

As far as i feel its all our creation and destruction..So it can be controlled by us..

I request readers to please give your views on the above questions...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Two Tough Questions...

Hello Friends,

I came through a very interesting story...Please go through the following questions you ll definitely enjoy it..

Question 1:
If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three
who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had
syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?
Read the next question before looking at the response for this one.

Question 2:
It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts.
Here are the facts about the three candidates.
Candidate A. Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with
astrologists. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks
8 to 10 martinis a day.
Candidate B He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps untilnoon , used
opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.
Candidate C He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't
smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife.

Which of these candidates would be your choice?

Decide first... no peeking, and then scroll down for the response.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----




Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Candidate B is Winston Churchill.
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.

And, by the way, on your answer to the abortion question:
If you said YES . . .

.. . . you just killed Beethoven - Gr8 musician

Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging someone!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Hello Friends...

Its been a long time i have posted something...just thought of posting something very basic in life... Satisfaction, really tough to describe but forms the basic essence of everyone's life...

I have been reading lots of OB(Organisational Behavior, one of my MBA subjects) now a daz may be that made me to chose this title...

Satisfaction is the major drive in everyone's life and it always brings best out of us...It is the toughest thing to achieve in life but makes the life interesting..However few people get satisfied easily while few never get satisfied with anything..

Satisfaction and dissatisfaction goes hand in hand...and a person's life is full of satisfaction with few things and dissatisfaction with few things...However, the one who has a major impact defines the state of one's life...

Satisfaction leads to happiness and makes life process smooth..It can motivate a person to move ahead and achieve higher goals however it can also demotivate a person to be satisfied with what he has(in case of extreme satisfaction)...

Similarly, dissatisfaction also has two ways effect...a little bit of dissatisfaction always drives us for better results while extreme dissatisfaction has major ill effects which can even lead to extreme cases like Suicide etc...I have seen such cases during my btech every year..guys hanging themselves just before the semester exams..

I feel satisfaction and dissatisfaction are both necessary in one's life but extreme of both is not good..Person's motive should always be to move ahead in life and look for new opportunities in life to grow and prosper taking along satisfaction and dissatisfaction together..

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Hello Friends,

Gain and Pain are the two very important aspects of our life.. They always accompany us in our life journey together…However their impact may be different…And the one who has more impact makes it visible while the other silently follows…

Its often said impact lasts for a span of time, although that span of time differs from person to person some takes it for few seconds while others takes it for years.. It totally depends on the situations of the incident..

Its very interesting to know that Gaining is always an aim in everyone’s life…Each person works to gain something or the other in their life…as a child we try to gain all sorts of toys for us, then we try to gain more and more marks in our class to gain good position in the class,then our first cycle, our first bike, our first mobile, our first job, first salary and the list goes on and on…

And this is something which makes us keep moving in our life.. It adds to all the adventurous and thrilling experiences in the life and makes our life interesting…And this feeling gives us strength to carry all the pains in our life…

The uniqueness of Gain and Pain is that Gain adds flow to the life while Pain puts a brake to the journey of life…Sometime the brakes are very significant and its very hard to again come to the flow but its not impossible.. And I think that’s the key to overcome this break..
I often find people discussing so much about their pain and they make their life miserable thinking about the same..They are never able to come out of their pain to see what they are gaining out of it…

However it’s a hard fact that Gain and Pain always accompany each other..And anyone who has gained something in their life must have also been through lots of pain…And that’s called hardship which is a part of every one’s life…

Gain and Pain companionship can be found everywhere...lets take some example...lets take stock market..It is the place where we see most gains and pains...When the index rises(gains the points) its gain for some and pain for those who sold their stocks at lower rate...and the same scenario when index loses the points gain and pain both follows...
Their companionship is mostly seen in Relationship...All relations are full of Gains and Pains...And it depends on the duo involved in the realtion to get along with it..Thats why its often difficult to have a sound realtionship...

I have been through the number of stories of successful person…They all have experienced so much pain in their life to get to the position where they are.. But they never let their pain come in between the path of gaining their Goal because they always looked for what they are gaining and made pains their companion on their way to Gain

Well thats the true spirit to move ahead in our life...
Lets keep gaining and enjoying our life always...May God bless us!!

Monday, June 29, 2009


Hello Friends,

It may sound like a very general topic and we can find almost everyone writing on this topic and the reason behind this is that music is really close to everyone’s heart…Music is true soul of everyone.. Moreover we often find almost everyone’s hobby as music…

Its beauty is that it binds everyone in its different colors…Music has every color that corresponds to the different colors of our life.. In fact different shades of life have given birth to different colors of music…

At times my mind questions about the origination of music.. We can easily observe that, music or in better term sound is created by every tiny particle on this earth…Here is one more interesting thing sound and music.. Do they differ from each other...I feel yes.. A sound that touches one’s heart is a music.. And that is the biggest difference between the two so every sound cant be a music..

We all are aware about Our Nature and its Beauty…Music is the most beautiful thing blessed to us by Nature.. A sound of a drop, rainfall, waterfall, wind, river, birds, animals etc. all belongs to Our Nature…They truly define the rhythm of our life

There is a very unique relation of us with music and sound.. Once I was watching Discovery Channel, the program was related with the development of child in mother’s womb.. They told a very interesting fact that a baby in the mother’s womb is associated with different sounds like heart beat, water sound etc... Music is such an integral part of our life..

Moreover, we all are born singers…:) We start singing the moment we take birth i.e. making music of crying. And that first cry of a baby brings such a big smile on the face of each family member. It takes away all the pains of the mother who just went through such a large pain while delivering the baby…:) although later that same crying music becomes a headache for everyone…:) i.e. a music is no more music and just remains an irritating sound..

Our music lessons begin with the lullabies of our mom who always sing it to make us sleep.. I feel this is the reason that we still enjoy music during our bed time…Our journey with music always continues in our life.. We can find ourselves making sound on the table of our class, whistling on our favorite tune or for some other purpose ;), making different sounds out of our mouth, with the spoons and forks, with pencils, with our claps(very often in cheering up someone or some team)and the most irritating sound of our cycle or bike or car horn( although it helps us a lot but really irritates the others who listens it).. :)

We are associated with music in our daily life in the form of our mobile ring tone, our door bell, our vehicle horn, with a long playlist stored in our PC, Lappi, iPod, music player, mobile and all time favorite FM.. It is the favorite entertainment is everyone’s life..

Music is really a vast and Deep Ocean and somewhere someone is always in search of new pearls and shells…No doubt we have such a diverse range of music and will keep on having them ..

Keep enjoying the different colors of life with its corresponding music…

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Hello Friends...

Stories!! What are they..?? I think a narration of something which had already happened or something imaginary..hmmmmmm...whatever it be, but if observed carefully we ll find it so close to everyone's life...

Stories begins with our life beginning..In fact our life is itself a story...A small child mite not know the meaning of a story but his life's understanding begins with a story..His everyday, every hour is in itself a story..I remember my childhood days, whenever I used to come back from school I have so many stories to tell to my Mumma..And still I always have so many stories to talk about..

Each person in our life makes one story for us..Whether it be a friends or a stranger..Each hour each minute of a persons forms one story..Just imagine how many stories are formed in the whole world with such a vast population...No doubt we have so many story books available in the market...:)

Our Dreams are also a story and at times we get so much involved with them that we forget that those were only dreams..

From our very childhood we are told stories for each and everything..It begins with small poems, which in itself is a form of short story..Our parents and grandparents always have so many stories for us...And we come so used to them that we always feel like listening them...It is a source of entertainment for us..

We develop different feelings with the help of different stories...Stories forms the emotional basis of our life...We are told brave stories to become brave, ghost stories to create a feeling of scare in us, we are also told stories of successful persons to become like that person...Its like our life is a CLAY and the finished product depends upon the type of stories told to us..

Violent impact of stories can be seen in case of terrorists..Innocent people develops so much hatred and violence with the help of false stories told to them by their masters..Their whole life changes and they become ready to kill anyone...

In our school also our each and every subject is a story..and when there is no story behind something, it often becomes difficult to understand it...For example, for most of the people Maths is often most boring subject cos they never find any story behind it...However, this is not the case with me, Maths has always been my favorite..:)

Not only in school, stories continues in our life for ever n ever..It never stops..At every stage of our life we will find a story of someone guiding us and defining the path in front of us..Our views, our perception, our feelings, our life everything depends on the type of stories we have heard in our life...

We are often asked about our Role Model, who is a person whose story has inspired us the most..Again a story...And there is not a single story but infinite stories which defines our lives..

Every story forms a new story...Bcos the moment in which that story is told corresponds to a new story...

Stories have also provided a medium for earning due to its best quality i.e. SOURCE OF ENTERTAINMENT..In fact the biggest medium...Movies, Serials, News, Cartoons everything is based on a story...thats so interesting na...

One more interesting thing is that "Everything in our life is a story"..At times our life writes a story, at other times we search a story by various means(talking,reading,watching TV etc..)

Oh how could I forget..My blogs are also a form story only...:)

Keep reading and keep enjoying....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Krishna in New Avatar!!

hello Friends,

My nephew Vishesh was recently dressed in Krishna costume..I took his picture and made a movie..He gave a new view to Krishna life...enjoying eclairs and cold drink in place of traditional maakhan and milk...

Sharing the same with you all..

You all will definitely enjoy it...

Keep rocking and enjoying...

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Hello Friends,

Looking at my topic you all must be guessing its something related with the CHESS game..It is the most interesting Game and at many times it co-relates to our life also..But it is not the case here.. Although as a MOVE is important in a Chess Game similarly it is also important in our life game..

However, I picked up this Subject from my previous article "Biggest weakness or Greatest Strength"..It was just a small example how ONE MOVE can help us in converting our weakness into strongest strength..However ONE MOVE can do a number of wonders in our life..

Most of the success stories defines the importance of this ONE MOVE..Every success is marked by ONE MOVE of the person taken in his/her life..I feel that One Move is taking a step forward to do something in our life..In better terms, ONE MOVE is BELIEVING IN OUR DREAMS AND WORKING FOR MAKING IT REAL..The term FORWARD is most important..Bcos that helps us in continuing with our MOVE and not stopping in between or going back..Most of us suffer from few problems..Either we are not able to take the initiative for work, or if we start it, we often leave it in between and think of restarting again (i.e. going back)..However, if we always keep in mind our ONE MOVE (i.e. taking step forward) we will definitely reach the end and SUCCESS will be ours..

In our life, we often face the situations where we have to make a MOVE to decide on something..which at times proves to be rite and at other times wrong..ONE MOVE can change our whole life ...ONE MOVE can either make or break our life..We seek advice from our elders and colleagues..But the ultimate role is played by our own Intuitions..If we ll go by our Intuitions we ll always succeed..but if we ll go against it our failure is sure..

By being true to oneself we can make the best decision in any circumstances..and once the decision is made what matters is our ONE MOVE..

So, how importantly you make your ONE MOVE..??

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Hello friends,

Our strongest weakness can be our greatest strength…We all hardly realize this fact and feel miserable about it..

I came through a very interesting story of a 10 years old small boy, who lost his left arm in a car accident..It is true example of above fact…

He wished to learn judo despite of this weakness.. The boy began his classes with an old Judo Master..He was doing extremely well there but in 3 months his master taught him only one Move..And he was quite surprised of it..So he asked his master, "Shouldn't I be learning more moves?"

His master replied, "This is the only move you know, but this is the only move you ever need to know.." Not quite understanding, but believing in his teacher the boy kept training..

Several months later, the master took the boy for his first tournament..Surprising himself the boy easily won his first two matches..The third match proved to be difficult, but after sometime his opponent became impatient and charged, the boy deftly used his ONE MOVE to win the match... Still amazed by his win, the boy was now in final..

This time his opponent was much bigger, stronger and much experienced...For the time being, the boy appeared to be over matched..Concerned that the boy might get hurt, the referee called a timeout..He was about to stop the match when the master intervened and said "Let him continue"...

Soon after the match resumed his opponent made a critical mistake..he dropped his guard..Instantly boy used his MOVE to pin him...the boy won the match and the tournament...He was the CHAMPION...

The boy still amazed by his win, asked his Master " How did I won the match with only ONE MOVE"

Master answered..You won because of two things..First, you have mastered one of the most difficult throws in all of Judo..And second, the only known defense for that MOVE is for your opponent to grasp your LEFT ARM...

The boy's biggest weakness had become his greatest strength.....

We never realize the fact that “if we properly work on our weaknesses it can prove to be the greatest strength for us”..

We are always running for what we have not received instead of being strengthening our strength by strength. Isn't it....?.

Keep reading and enjoy HAPPINESS & JOY............!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


hello friends,

"The only constant thing in life is change"... now a days, I find this quotation used everywhere...whether it be a movie, any TV show or newspaper article. Everywhere I encounter this quotation so thought of choosing it this time. Does it really has so much significance to be used everywhere..

What is change?? This is the first ques which arises. I think something which is different from the earlier in a particular respect..

Since our childhood, we find a number of changes in our life if we closely observe it.. Our thinking pattern changes, our goals changes, our environment changes, our circle changes, our talk changes, our responsibilities changes, our overlook changes, our dressing style changes, our frequency of doing things changes, our government changes, our boss changes etc. etc.. Even each day is different than the previous one.. Each passing year in our school changes our class from 1 to 2 to 3 and so on and similarly our teachers and course.. Some of us also change our school so our colleagues also changes and our friend's list keep on increasing.. Our role in life also keeps changing from a child to a son/daughter to a father/mother to a grand father/grand mother and so on.. And on professional level also from student to an employee to employer and so on..

Change is something which is desired by us always.. If we observe, we can find ourselves saying "LETS DO SO AND SO FOR A CHANGE"...Like, for a change we love to try out new items in our food menu, for a change we love go for a long drives, we love to change our wardrobes from time to time, we choose to go for a holiday for a change from our homely environment, we always look for new ways of entertainment..

Change is a human nature and we always require it from time to time.. But as we grow up we start restricting ourselves to the changes in our life.. And this restriction keeps on increasing as one grows up.. It is very commonly observed in old people.. They love to live their life on a preset pattern.. They often forget the fact that Change is the process of life and at times it was the most desirous thing in their life..

At many times it really becomes difficult to adapt to a change.. Especially when we are emotionally attached to something.. At that time, our need for change vanishes and we feel its so easy to say this thing( that change is the constant thing in life) but so difficult to accept it.. We also see it as a great excuse given by someone.. But change always proves to be a process of life..

If we look at our life, we will really find "CHANGE AS THE ONLY CONSTANT THING IN OUR LIFE".. It is need of change that has brought us to the world we are living in today.. And it is the only thing which aspires us to move ahead in life..

It is such an irony that we always work for a Change in our life..Every person has a COMMON GOAL in their life and that is TO CHANGE SOMETHING IN THEIR LIFE...or we can say the CONSTANT GOAL IN ONE'S LIFE IS CHANGE...

Wooooooh..I was thinking of its significance.. And here our whole life work on the funda of CHANGE.. :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Who holds our remote control??

Hello Friends,

Once I was reading a book and I came through a very beautiful fact..So thought of sharing with you all..

Very often we get disturbed by someone’s comment or someone’s actions.. If someone says something good about us we feel extremely happy but if he says something bad we get disturbed…its instantaneous.. it’s a human times it has such a major impact on us... we get so much disturbed that everything gets affected... it takes much of time to come out of times our reactions are so spontaneous and harsh that we regret afterwards...I have also faced a number of such situations in my life..

Doesnt it sounds like someone else is having the remote control of our mind..he/she changes our mood with the help of their words and actions..its so easy for them to control us..

We are most affected by those persons to whom we strongly like or dislike..If we like a person and he says us something its easy to come out of it...But someone to whom we strongly dislike affects us much more in comparison to former..

We never realized we had given so much of powers in others hand..At home we always fight for the Remote control of TV with our siblings and the one who owns it rules over the TV..

So how come we can give our mind remote control in someone else's hand atleast to that person for whom we hardly care...Getting affected by a person means we give so much importance to that person and his actions..and one thing is for sure we never wanna give importance to the person to whom we dislike or we hardly care... So if we realise this fact we can control our reactions and save us from getting hurt..

This fact has really helped me a lot in overcoming a number of situations in my life..I used to be very emotional but now I know who controls of my REMOTE CONTROL.. :)

What about you guys...???

Saturday, June 6, 2009






























Our childhood begins with the shweet poem of TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STARS!! Its the first poem on which we also learn to dance or act...This is the poem which one never forgets in his/her life and it forms a relation between the stars and the person from their very childhood...mere twinkling of stars bring smile on every child's face and in this way we form a relation with the stars..we start talking to them and get reply also by their tickling..n then the journey begins with the stars in our life…in schools teachers appreciates our work by giving stars in our notebook..3 stars are considered to be the best and every child is crazy about getting we move ahead we get the recognition like star of the class, star of the school, star of the college, star employee, star company and so on..our lives are full of stars everywhere… I feel every person’s life must have a story related with the stars...

Similar is the case with me journey with stars also begin in the same way thru poem, getting starts in copies and then getting a star badge if we stood among top 5 in our class..I also love to watch stars for hours and hours since my childhood...I also have a strange relation with them..I got more interested in them when i learn about our Universe in my class 9th syllabus..i started searching the various constellations in the sky..and then began talking wth them..I spend hours in my balcony or on terrace watching and talking to them..they gave all the answers to my questions and takes away all the used to be such a great time..i had also seen moving stars in the sky was more of a wait for the moving star that compels me to spend such a long time with them...

There is also so much about the shooting stars n making a wish from them...and our wishes coming true..i also got to learn one theory..its really funny but really satisfying to keep our belief tells that whenever any star shoots out it shows a person is going from earth to if u make a wish that person is on that shooting star and he ll carry ur wishes directly to the god and god will fulfill them....ha ha funny na...

As i grew up i found so many inferences drawn with stars everywhere...i started noticing its use everywhere..anyone who is at the top is a star..every person who leaves this world also becomes a star... we are always told "to aim for sky even if u miss it u ll land among the stars"...every success story is a star story..

The biggest irony is “everyone aspires to become a star in their life which they ultimately become when they die”

Stars play such an important role in everyone's life..isnt it..what i really like best about them is they always brings smile on my face whenever i see them..they are so beautiful..a clear sky with full of stars is one of the best experience in one's life...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Lets know our country leaders!! -(part II)


Shri Pranab Mukherjee is once again nominated to cabinet as the MINISTER OF FINANCE to 15th Loksabha...lets know more about him...

PRANAB MUKHERJEE, 74 years old, born December, 1935
at Mirati, Kirnahar, District Birbhum (West Bengal) India.

His Educational Qualifications: M.A (History), M.A (Political Science) LL.B, D. Ltt.(Honoris Causa), educated at Vidyasagar College, Suri Calcutta University, West Bengal.

Profession Teacher, Journalist and Author.

He is married to Smt. Suvra Mukherjee and has
two sons and one daughter.

His Father was a freedom fighter, was imprisoned for more than 10 years, participated in all Congress movements from 1920, was a member of AICC, and West Bengal Legislative Council (1952-64), President, District Congress Committee, Birbhum (WB).

Position held in Union

(i) Deputy Minister, Industrial Development Govt. from February, 1973 to January, 1974.
(ii) Deputy Minister, Shipping and Transport from January, 1974 to October, 1974.
(iii) Minister of State for Finance from October, 1974 to December, 1975.
(iv) Minister of Revenue and Banking (Independent Charge) from December, 1975 to March, 1977.
(v) Cabinet Minister of Commerce and Steel & Mines from January, 1980 to January, 1982.
(vi) Cabinet Minister of Finance from January, 1982 to December, 1984 with additional charge of Ministry of Commerce and Supply, September to December 31, 1984.
(vii) Depurty Chairman, Planning Commission, June 1991 to May, 1996.
(viii) Cabinet Minister of Commerce from January 1993 to February, 1995.
(ix) Cabinet Minister of External Affairs from February, 1995 to May, 1996.
(x) Cabinet Minister of Defence, from 22nd May, 2004.

In Parliament

(i) Elected to Rajya Sabha July, 1969.
(ii) Re-elected to Rajya Sabha 1975, 1981,1993 and 1999. Elected to 14th Lok Sabha on 13th May, 2004 and again to 15th Lok Sabha.
(iii) Deputy Leader, Congress Party in Rajya Sabha 1978-80.
(iv) Leader of the House, Rajya Sabha 1980-1985.
(v) 1996 onwards
(a) Member, Business Advisory Committee
(b) Member, Committee on Privileges.
(c) Member, Committee on Rules.
(vi) Member, Consultative Committee for External Affairs 1996-99.
(vii) Chairman, Department- related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science & Technology, Environment & Forests 1997.
(viii) Chairman, Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs, June 1998 onwards.
(ix) Leader of the House, Lok Sabha, June, 2004 till date.

In Congress Party

(i) Member, Congress Working Committee (the highest policy making body of Indian National Congress) from 27th January, 1978 to 18th January, 1986 and again from 10th August, 1997 till date.
(ii) President, West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee 1985 and from August, 2000 till date.
(iii) Member, Central Parliamentary Board, AICC 1978-1986.
(iv) Treasurer, All India Congress Committee, 1978-1979.
(v) Treasurer, Congress(I) Party in Parliament 1978-1979.
(vi) Chairman, Economic Advisory Cell, AICC. 1987-1989.
(vii) Chairman, Campaign Committee of AICC for conducting National Elections to Parliament in 1984, 1991, 1996 and 1998.
(viii) General Secretary, AICC 1998-1999.
(ix) Chairman, Central Election Coordination Committee, AICC from 28th June, 1999 onwards.
(x) Member, Central Election Committee, AICC from 12th December, 2001 onwards.

In International Organisations


(I) Board of Governors –

(a) International Monetary Fund 1982-1985.
(b) World Bank, 1982-1985
(c) Asian Development Bank, 1982-1985
(d) African Development Bank, 1982-1985.

(ii) Chairman, Group 24 (a Ministerial group attached to IMF and World Bank) 1984.

(iii) Presided over SAARC Council of Ministers Conference, May 1995 and November 1995.

Foreign Delegations

Leader of Indian Delegations to:

(i) Colombo Plan Finance Ministers Conference, Singapore 1975 and Colombo 1976.
(ii) Commonwealth Finance Ministers Conference, 1982, 1983 and1984.
(iii) Annual General Meeting of World Bank and IMF in 1982, 1983 and 1984.
(iv) Annual General Meeting of Asian Development Bank, 1982, 1983 and 1984.
(v) Ministerial Conference of WTO, Marrakesh in 1994.
(vi) UN General Assembly in 1994 and 1995.
(vii) Social Summit at Copenhagen in 1995.
(viii) 40th Anniversary of Asian Conference, Bandug 1995.
(ix) Conference of Commonwealth Heads of Governments(CHOGAM), Auckland 1996.
(x) Non-Aligned Foreign Ministers Conference at Carte-Ghana, 1995.

Honors and Distinctions conferred

(i) Rated as one of the best five Finance Ministers of the world for the year 1984 according to a survey of Euro Money, journal published from New York.
(ii) Conferred Best Parliamentarian Award for 1997.
(iii) His leadership in the Ministry of Finance and other Economic Ministries was well acclaimed, nationally and internationaly. He was considered as the key figure in formulating economic policies of the nation for a long term. Under his stewardship India earned the distinction of not withdrawing the last installment of IMF loan to the extent of Us$1.1 billion. He was considered as ranking Minister and presided over the Cabinet meeting of the Union in the absence of the Prime Minister during 1980-1985.

Social and Cultural Activities

(i) President, Nikhil Bharat Banga Sahitya Sammelan, 1995-2001.
(ii) Chairman, Planning Board, Asiatic Society, Kolkata from 1984 to 1986 and 1992-1996.
(iii) Trustee, Bangiya Sahitya Parishad, 1984-1990.
(iv) Trustee, Bidhan Memorial Trust, Kolkata since 1998.

Book Published

(i) Midterm Poll –1969
(ii) Beyond Survival: Emerging Dimensions of Indian Economy – 1984
(iii) Off the Track –1987

(iv) Saga of Struggle and Sacrifice –1992
(v) Challenges Before the Nation (on Indian National Congress)- 1992.

What say friends...Our country is in right hands or not?? I feel IT is...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Lovely Morning for all!!

Good morning Friends,

A lovely quotation to start our day...In first reading it sounds good but at times it doesnt sounds practically possible..Its all because we take it very litely and feel its a very common thing..However if we really work on each and every line we can see its wonders in our life..If we follow it religiously it will result in total freedom to live..And freedom brings happiness and enjoyment..

At many times we dont even know what makes us doing what we can really feel happy..I feel something which satisfy us and we really enjoy the time doing it, is something which make us feel happy..however many times after doing something we really regret for doing it cos someone else leaves us an impression that what we did was that time we forget that we really enjoyed doing it and feel regret cos someone else conception empower us to feel regretful..Now we know this fact, so we can save ourselves from others empowering us with their conception and can live freely..

However, one thing I really find difficult i.e. "to be with someone who makes you smile"..Its not always possible to be with someone who makes us smile..However, if we think in opposite way, it can be possible to make someone else smile by being with that person and there by making us also smile... :)

Laugh as much as we breathe..woooo thats a difficult task..But i feel if we keep repeating this line in our mind we can come out of many difficult situations easily and can always find new ways out..

Loving as long as we live..I feel this is the best thing to do..As it brings the bonding with everyone we love and we never let us feel alone in our life..Moreover it takes away all the negative feelings from us as love is the purest feeling in the world...

I feel now its easy for me to implement this quotation in my life...And also very interesting to practice it...Friends pls share your opinion also on this quotation so that we all can achieve the freedom and happiness in our lives...

Keep smiling and keep rocking!! Keep enjoying your freedom... :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Be happy always!!

Hello friends,

Be Happy, its one way of being wise
...We often find a number of quotations on happiness everywhere...

But at times we feel, its so easy to say to be happy but its really difficult to be happy..We really feel so irritated when someone comes to us and say try to be happy when our mood is off or we are in some mess.. at times we also say to them "Yaar apna gyan band karo" or "yeh gyan kahi aur ja ke do"..Or we simply follow the principle of listening from one ear and taking it out from other... "How can someone be happy all the time?", this is the question which always comes in our mind..
At manier times, when we really enjoy and have lots and lots of fun, we often think "we had so much of fun now something bad is about to happen"...And the next moment something bad happens...There are a number of such incidents in our life..

Another question which comes in our mind is "What exactly is this happiness??" Why everyone speaks so much about it??

I was also searching for the answer to this question...I have been through a number of inspirational books..There also i always find this gyan only that just by being happy we can solve all the problems of our life..Then somewhere its said to observe my day and find out in whole day how much time out of 24 hours we were happy and enjoyed the time especially when we are sad...And believe me it was miracle..when i started thinking about the time i was happy my that time also rejoiced with those memories...And i was again back to the same state of happiness..Then I realised one thing whenever we have smile on our face that is happiness..Take any moment of your life when u really felt u were happy u ll definately see yourself smiling...Smiling not only on your face but also inside your heart..Thats why we often find smiling faces or smilyes added with the happiness quotation..

This has helped me in realising one thing, its so easy to be Happy in our life...:) Just by smiling... :) Because that is the state of happiness and we can have this state at any time and everytime...

whooo i m smiling now.. :) hope a smile comes on your face after reading this...

Keep smiling and be Happy always... :) Hope it doesnt sounds like a gyan anymore... :) ha ha ha....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Recession, a new ray of hope....

Hello friends,

We all are facing the recession from last one year which has resulted in loses to everyone from layoffs in companies to reduction in salaries to bankruptcy of companies to high economic loses in stocks to increase in unemployment etc. etc...However it is not new it always comes back after a period of time like a wave comes down after a uprising...Depressions, recessions, slumping economies. These economic conditions are nothing new. For ages, economic times have had an ebb and flow cycle.

Whenever i read anything on recession i always find one thing common..That is recession is the best time to start something new...It marks a new ray of hope for those who can really think beyond their limits and can thereby extend their limits by working on them..

There have been a numerous examples of those who found this new ray of hope..Some of them are Microsoft Corp. in 1975,Hyatt Corp. in 1957-58, Trader Joe’s in 1967, General Electric in 1873,Revlon Cosmetics in 1932,Fortune Magazine in 1930, Hewlett-Packard in 1939, Burger King in 1954, Sports Illustrated magazine in 1954, IHOP Restaurants in 1958, The Jim Henson Company in 1958, FedEx in 1973, CNN in 1980 and MTV in 1981.. These well-known companies are fine examples that there is hope and success if you believe in your product and yourself. Few stories are:

1. Microsoft Corp.

Not only was this computer technology conglomerate founded in tough economic times of 1975, its founder, Bill Gates, was a Harvard University dropout. But with all its adversities, it has flourished to a billion dollar company.

2. Hyatt Corp.

You might think it risky opening up upscale hotels during a time when people were less likely to travel and vacation. But that’s exactly what this hotel chain did from 1957 to 1958 during recessionary times under President Eisenhower.

3. Trader Joe’s.

When this famous grocery store opened its doors as Pronto Markets during the economic slump of 1958, it was an instant success. The Trader Joe name change in 1967 was the start of its new branding image of offering unique products under its own label.

4. General Electric.

GE is probably one of the first companies to make history by getting started during the economic recession of 1873. Although the tough economic times lasted for six years, the incandescent lightbulb created by Thomas Edison continues to shine 136 years later. Today, GE is the 10th largest company in the world.

5. Revlon Cosmetics.

Founded in 1932 deep in the years of the Great Depression, Charles and Joseph Revlon unveiled their new opaque nail enamel. Tapping all their resources, the brothers grew their company into a multimillion dollar enterprise within six years.

I feel its really inspiring and it provides a new direction for "where we see ourselves in coming 5 to 10 years or later"...I think everyone is born with an entrepreneurial heart and develops and entrepreneurial mind as he/she grows up..What is really needed is the realization of this fact...I know there are a number of stories of the people who have realized it and attained success..May God help all of us also in creating such stories :) AMEN!!

Please add your comments what you feel about it...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I was googling for images with caption happiness, enjoy and fun...and i found this pic..what a lovely pic...i could only say WOW!! Does this picture represents what i was really looking for..well i feel yes it do.....

For me it represents LIFE as by mere looking at it one feels so warm and happy...and if we keep looking at it for few minutes we ll definitely enjoy and have fun... what say guys...


My encounter with THE GOOGLE STORY..

Hello Friends,

Last month I was traveling, going to Chennai alone so wanted a book to company me in my journey as it was a long journey of 30 hours.. So I went to a book stall on railway station. I was looking thru all the books available...'THE GOOGLE STORY' was lying in front. I wanted to buy it but didnt felt like as it was quite thick around 400 pages.... So was looking for all the other options.Sidney sheldon,Paulo Cohelo and other love stories and mysteries and all..Bookstall man showed me everything but my mind was again n again gt attracted towards GOOGLE Story.. Finally I made up my mind and bought it. And then my journey began with the Google founders...I really enjoyed my journey with them and my time just passed away...It was really fascinating and at times i really wished to be a part of Google..

The best thing about Google Inc. is their woking culture...Their working place is facilitated with everything from a good Food to entertainment to gym to everything which makes a person feel at home..Google founders believed in providing home like culture so that the people who are working there can give their best in everything without wandering their mind in other tensions of food and all..They especially focused on Food and had a big team of good cooks o serve all the varieties at on place..Which are at times not possible in the market also...

They build up their own hardware and software and download all the possible things available over the web..wooooooooooooooh..Its hard to imagine their infrastructure and the components available dere...The two Big Brains Larry Page and Sergey Brin although with different opinions have one thing in common and thats their zeal to achieve...How the things turned out in their life and the way they took each moment as an oppurtunity to expand and excel is really inspiring.. They are true inspirers for us and coming generations...

They started with the aim to serve...They never advertise for them but they had become a source for advertisements to many others...And this has helped them in becoming one of the fortune comapny in the world.. Their encounter with Yahoo and Microsft was also very interesting to read...Each chapter took to different parts of the Google makers and really enjoyable...A Must Read for everyone..

This book not only gave me a nice company during my journey but also taught me the realities of corporate life and inspired me how a belief in oneself and strong determination can lead towards success...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Vodafone Zoozoos...

Zoozoo is the name given to these characters used by VODAFONE in their new Advertisement Campaign.

They are launched with the starting of IPL 2009 season and each over was followed by these zoozoos world which covered everything from love tips to cricket updates, to shopping to roaming, to mailing to travelling etc conveying the different value added services offered by Vodafone..Very beautifully designed and executed... Vodafone is always famous for their Ad Campaign previous was related to shweet PUGS CHITIKAS..

Few days back my dad told me the beauty of these zoozoos.. They aren’t animated characters... They are human beings who were made to wear body suits and are shot lively...I was really surprised to hear him bcos they always gave me impression of animated characters. Then one day i got a mail stating Vodafon ZooZoos won PETA awards..This really attracted me and I felt like googling and knowing more about them...

Filmmaker, Nirvana Films, has directed the commercials, and reveals that the Zoozoos were a big challenge to create. The practical aspects of how they will move, talk, gesticulate and emote were very important. Essentially, costume design and artwork were crucial elements. “It took me three weeks of pre-production to understand how it will work,” says Varma. There were two fabrics that were considered for the body suits, and one was rejected for it had too many wrinkles and was shiny. The wrinkles would have shown when the characters moved, thereby shattering the illusion of animation. “So we chose the more practical, thicker fabric,” Varma explains. The production team divided the outfit into two parts: the body and the head. The body part of the outfit was stuffed with foam in some places, while the head was attached separately. To make it look bigger than a human head, a harder material called Perspex was used, which in turn was stuffed with foam (with scope for ventilation). If one wishes to understand the size of this head, here’s a fact: a human head would typically reach up to the mouth level of this giant Zoozoo head. “We kept the hands and legs thin, which is why we cast women – and occasionally children – wearing the costumes,” says Varma. The thin limbs, contrasted with big bellies and a bulbous head, all add to the illusion that these creatures are ‘smaller’ than humans. Sets were created to suit the size of the Zoozoos. Concept Note: Zoozoos are not animated characters. They are human beings who were made to wear body suits. The films were shot by Nirvana in Cape Town, South Africa.

woooooooooooo...what a concept and work..HATS OFF!!

Really vodafone are best in their ad-campaign..And really a great time to launch..On survey revealed that Vodafone ads are among the most watched videos on You and there are over 50,000 Zoozoo fans on Facebook.Me TOO!!!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

SMILEYS!! A true form of life..

Hello Friends,

Smiley or a Happy Face is a stylish representation of smiling human face by a yellow color circle(generally) with eyes and lips on them.

Smileys, although so small still add so much meaning to everything..They represent our feelings and expressions so well.We all often chat and mail our friends and love to add everywhere. They are becoming an important part of our life.They present us lively in front of others to whom we are talking online..They also refresh our mood and takes away all the dullness. We find smileys everywhere Posters, T-shirts, Caps, Cups, Cards, Stickers etc. They are so expressive that everyone loves to own them in everything. They are most commonly used with phrases like " KEEP SMILING" or "HAVE A HAPPY DAY".

The most commonly used smileys are :) and :( which clearly shows the two extreme moods of persons which keep flipping whole day. Although now a days we have smileys for all the different moods of a person.

The very earliest known examples of the graphic are attributed to Harvey Ball, a commercial artist in Worcester, Massachusetts with the aim to boost up the morale of the employees. It was further used in 1963, in a children cartoon series titled The Funny Company airing on television, which featured a version of the smiley on the caps worn by the animated children.

The graphic was popularized in the early 1970s by Bernard and Murray Spain, who seized upon it in a campaign to sell novelty items. The two produced buttons as well as coffee mugs, T-shirts, bumper stickers and many other items emblazoned with the symbol and the phrase "Have a happy day"

Today we can find thousands and thousands of smileys all over the web offered by different sites. Through their discovery we can realize the diverse moods and expressions of human beings.

Smileys are my personal favorite and I love to add smileys to my signature many times. They have always helped me in my gloomy days and happy days. They have always inspired me to keep smiling in every situation and winning them :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009


It is the cheering song of Deccan Chargers at IPL season II,2009..
22nd May,2009, 1st semifinal between Delhi Daredevils and Deccan Chargers.What a spectacular match to watch. The match begin with the song of DECCAN CHARGERS(HO..HO..HO..OH HO HO..) as DELHI DAREDEVILS lost their 2 wickets in the very first over and ended with the same song(HO..HO..HO..OH HO HO..) with a magnificent win of Deccan Chargers..
The second innings played by Deccan Chargers was full of Fours and Sixes..With 4 fours in the very first over by GILLI..(HO..HO..HO..OH HO HO..) Really rocking..followed by 3 sixes on consecutive balls in other over..(WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHAAAOOOOOO.....HO..HO..HO..OH HO HO..) Whole stadium was ecohing with this song..Really a fulltooos paisa wasool...

"It was a day of Adam Gilchrist and no one could stop him from hitting..He was experimented on all sorts of ball but 4s and 6s were not stopping from his bat", quoted by Viru...very well said..
Although I was supporting Delhi Daredevils but it was really really entertaining to watch the Deccan's Match..

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Google Founders

They came from opposite ends of the earth to create a billion dollar company that has revolutionized the world. California-based Google Inc. has not only become the Internet’s most popular search engine with revenues of over $21 billion yearly, but the company has also undoubtedly entered the mainstream culture; the verb “to google” was recently added to the Oxford English Dictionary.

For the past decade, Google has been helping people navigate the Internet and find precisely what they were looking for. From providing people with life-saving information to helping breakdown global barriers, Google’s impact on the world is undeniable.

How did two university dropouts transform their simple idea into a billion dollar company?

“We have a mantra: don’t be evil, which is to do the best things we know how for our users, for our customers, for everyone. So I think if we were known for that, it would be a wonderful thing.

Basically, our goal is to organize the world’s information and to make it universally accessible and useful.If you have a product that’s really gaining a lot of usage, then it’s probably a good idea.

I worry, but I’ve worried all along. I worried as we got bigger and there were new pressures on the company. It wasn’t so long ago that we were all on one floor. Then we moved to a new, larger office building and were on two floors. We added salespeople. Each change was huge and happened over a very short period of time. I learned you have to pay a lot of attention to any company that’s changing rapidly. When we had about 50 people, we initiated weekly TGIF meetings on Friday afternoons so everyone would know what had happened during the week. But those meetings have broken down because we now have too many people, about 1,000, including many who work in different time zones. We try to have a summation of the week’s work via e-mail, but it’s not the same. When you grow, you continually have to invent new processes. We’ve done a pretty good job keeping up, but it’s an ongoing challenge.

We think a lot about how to maintain our culture and the fun elements. I don’t know if other companies care as much about those things as we do. We spent a lot of time getting our offices right. We think it’s important to have a high density of people. People are packed together everywhere. We all share offices. We like this set of buildings because it’s more like a densely packed university campus than a typical suburban office park.

But you don’t need a huge company, just a computer and a part-time person. So you don’t need to have a 100-person company to develop that idea. You can do it in your spare time, you can really work on ideas and see if they take off — rather than trying to raise tons of money, millions of dollars for an idea that may or may not work. And once you have the product and people are using it, it’s very easy to raise investment.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lets Know our country leaders..

Hello Friends,

With the launch of our new Government and Congress leading all the way, we assume it to be a much stable government now and hope the coming five years will mark the best days for India and its people's development.

So I feel this is the right time to know about our leaders who will join the cabinet and rule us towards the development.Lets start with the leader of all, our PRIME MINISTER,


Here is the complete profile of our PM..





D. Phil., Nuffield College, University of Oxford. Topic: India’s Export Trends and Prospects for Self-Sustained Growth. [Published by Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1964]

1957 Economic Tripos [First Class honours], University of Cambridge
1954 M.A. Economics, Panjab University – First Class with first position in the University
1952 B.A. Economics(Hons.), Panjab University – Second Class with first position in the University
1950 Intermediate Panjab University – First Class with first position in the University
1948 Matriculation, Panjab University – First class


2000 Conferred Annasaheb Chirmule Award by the W.LG. alias Annasaheb Chirmule Trust setup by United Western Bank Limited, Satara, Maharashtra
1999 Received H.H. Kanchi Sri Paramacharya Award for Excellence from Shri R. Venkataraman, former President of India and Patron, The Centenarian Trust
1999 Fellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi.
1997 Conferred Lokmanya Tilak Award by the Tilak Smarak Trust, Pune
1997 Received Justice K.S. Hegde Foundation Award for the year 1996
1997 Awarded Nikkei Asia prize for Regional Growth by the Nihon
Keizai Shimbun Inc. (NIKKEI), publisher of Japan’s leading business daily
1996 Honorary Professor, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi
1995 Jawaharlal Nehru Birth Centenary Award of the Indian Science
Congress Association for 1994-95
1994 Asiamoney Award, Finance Minister of the Year
1994 Elected Distinguished Fellow, London School of Economics, Centre for Asia Economy, Politics and Society
1994 Elected Honorary Fellow, Nuffield College, University of Oxford,
Oxford, U.K.
1994 Honorary Fellow, All India Management Association
1993 Euromoney Award, Finance Minister of the year
1993 Asiamoney Award, Finance Minister of the Year
1987 Padma Vibhushan Award by the President of India
1986 National Fellow, national Institute of Education, N.C.E.R.T.
1985 Elected President, Indian economic Association
1982 Elected Honorary Fellow, st. John’s College, Cambridge,
1982 Elected Honorary Fellow, Indian Institute of bankers
1976 Honorary Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
1957 Elected Wrenbury Scholar, University of Cambridge, U.K.
1955 Awarded Wright’s Prize for distinguished performance, &
St. John’s college, Cambridge, U.K.
1956 Awarded Adam Smith Prize, University of Cambridge, U.K.
1954 Uttar Chand Kapur Medal, Panjab university, for standing first in
M.A.(Economics), panjab University, Chandigarh
1952 University Medal for standing First in B.A. Hon.(Economics),
panjab University, Chandigarh
Recipient of Honorary Degrees of D.Litt. from :
- Panjab University, Chandigarh
- Guru Nanak University, Amritsar
- Delhi University, Delhi
- Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi
- University of Bologna, Italy
- University of Mysore, Mysore
- Chaudhary charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (D.Sc)
- Kurukshetra University
- Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, patiala (D.Sc)
- Nagarjuna University, Nagarjunanagar
- Osmania University, Hyderabad
- University of Roorkee, Roorkee (Doctor of Social Sciences)
- Doctor of Laws by the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
- Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University (formerly Agra University) - Doctor Letters degree
- Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad (Deemed University) D.Sc. (Honoris Causa)
- Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur


May 22, 2004 – till date: Prime Minister of India
March 21, 1998 – May 22,2004: Leader of Opposition, Rajya Sabha (Council of States) Parliament of India
June, 2001: Re-elected as member of Rajya
Sabha for a Term of six years
August 1, 1996 - Dec 4, 1997: Chairman, Parliamentary Standing
Committee on Commerce, Rajya Sabha
June 21, 1991- May 15, 1996: Finance Minister of India
June, 1995: Re-elected Member of Rajya
Sabha for a term of six years
September, 1991: Elected Member of Rajya Sabha
March 1991-June 1991: Chairman, University Grants Commission
Dec 1990 – March 1991: Advisor to Prime Minister of India on
Economic Affairs
August 1987 – Nov 1990: Secretary General and Commissioner,
South Commission
Jan 1985- July 1987: Dy. Chairman, Planning Commission
of India
Sept 1982 – Jan 1985: Governor, Reserve Bank of India
April 1980 – Sept 1982: Member-Secretary, Planning
Commission, India
Nov.1976 – April 1980: Secretary, Ministry of Finance
Dept. of Economic Affairs,
Government of India

Member [Finance], Atomic Energy
Commission, Govt. of India

Member [Finance], Space
Commission, Govt. of India
1972 – 1976: Chief Economic Adviser, Ministry of
Finance, India
1971 – 1972: Economic Adviser, Ministry of
Foreign Trade, India
1969 – 1971: Professor of International Trade,
Delhi School of Economics,
Delhi University, India
1966 – 1969: UNCTAD, United Nations Secretariat,
New York
Chief, Financing for Trade Section
1966 : Economic Affairs Officer
1957 – 1965 : Panjab University, Chandigarh
1963-65 : Professor of Economics
1959-63 : Reader in Economics
1957-59 : Senior Lecturer in economics


Leader of the Indian delegation to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, Cyprus (1993)

Leader of the Indian delegation to the Human Rights World Conference, Vienna (1993)

Governor of India on the Board of Governors of the IMF and the International Bank of Reconstruction & Development (1991-95)

Appointed by Prime Minister of India as Member, Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (1983-84)

Chairman, India Committee of the Indo-japan ;Joint Study Committee (1980-83)

- Leader, Indian Delegation to :

Indo-Soviet Monitoring Group Meeting (1982)

Indo-Soviet Joint Planning Group Meeting (1980-82)

Aid India Consortium Meetings (1977-79)

- Member Indian Delegation to :

South-South Consultation, New Delhi (1982)

Cancun Summit on North-South Issues (1981)

Aid-India Consortium Meetings, Paris (1973-79)

Annual Meetings of IMF, IBRD & Commonwealth
Finance Ministers (1972-79)

Third Session of UNCTAD, Santiago (April-May 1972)

Meetings of UNCTAD Trade & Development Board,
Geneva (May 1971 – July 1972)

Ministerial Meeting of Group of 77, Lima (Oct.1971)

- Deputy for India on IMF Committee of Twenty on
International Monetary Reform (1972 – 74)

- Associate, Meetings of IMF Interim Committee and Joint
Fund-Bank Development Committee (1976-80, 1982-85)

- Alternate Governor for India, Board of Governors of
IBRD (1976-80)

- Alternate Governor for India, Board of Governors of the
IMF (1982-85)

- Alternate Governor for India, Board of Governors, Asian
Development Bank, Manila (1976-80)

- Director, Reserve Bank of India (1976-80)

- Director, Industrial Development Bank of India (1976-80)

- Participated in Commonwealth Prime Ministers Meeting,
Kingston (1975)

- Represented Secretary;-General UNCTAD at several
inter-governmental meetings including :

Second Session of UNCTAD, 1968

Committee on Invisibles & Financing Related to Trade,
Consultant to UNCTAD, ESCAP and Commonwealth

- Member, International Organizations :

Appointed as Member by the Secretary-General, United Nations of a Group of Eminent Persons to advise him on Financing for Development (December, 2000)


(i) Author of book “India’s Export Trends and Prospects
for Self-Sustained Growth

[Clarendon Press, Oxford University, 1964]

(ii) Have published a large number of articles in
economic journals


S/o. Shri Gurmukh Singh

Born on 26th September, 1932

Married in 1958 to Smt. Gursharan Kaur

Have three daughters

So Friends, Lets be proud of our Prime Minister and of ourselves that we really selected true and deserving leader for us. JAI HIND.